Quality of Life Plan
a plan that guides all of our work
For over 25 years, Palenque LSNA’s work has been guided by a Holistic Plan that is evaluated and updated annually. The development of this plan is led by Palenque LSNA’s committees, with collaboration and feedback from staff, partners, Board of Directors, Members Action Council, and other stakeholders.
2023-2024 Committees
Palenque Fellowship
This year, we have created the Palenque Fellowship to uplift new civic leaders, build community connection, and provide deeper insights into our QLP community-based planning and internal committee work. We have chosen 23 Fellows – emerging community leaders across a range of ages, identities, and professions who will meet monthly for social justice-oriented leadership and professional development.
Through the Fellowship, Fellows will:
Strengthen Palenque LSNA’s committee work and deepen the connections between our MAC members and community stakeholders.
Gain organizing and leadership skills within the context of the Palenque values, including self-care, community care, restorative justice, and abolition.
Develop and implement strategies to help close the life expectancy gap in the City of Chicago through an equitable approach.
Explore and learn about their ancestral history through a decolonial lens.
Our 2023-2024 Palenque Fellows
FY 2025 Holsitic plan
Our FY2025 Holistic Plan is live! Click here to view our community goals in building toward a Palenque solidarity community.
Quality of Life Plan
Hermosa and West Logan Square: Here to Stay
In October of 2018, we published a more extensive five-year community Quality of Life Plan, titled “Here To Stay,” with support from LISC-Chicago. We engaged the community to reflect on our strengths and weaknesses and plan for our future – especially as gentrification pressures grow in the historically more protected part of West Logan Square and Hermosa. With collaboration from community residents, staff, partner organization, and our committees, we published “Here to Stay.”
Palenque LSNA is a #CNDA29 Winner!
Our 2018 Hermosa and Logan Square West Quality-of-Life Plan won the Chicago Community Trust Outstanding Community Plan Award at the 29th Annual Chicago Neighborhood Development Awards on June 22, 2023.